"We, the people of South Africa, Recognise the injustices of our past; Honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land; Respect those who have worked to build and develop our country; and Believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity.” Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Home Affairs officials need to respect constitution

I’ve often heard about home affairs officials with little respect for the people they are supposed to be SERVING. Once again their arrogance is getting them into trouble. Last month a gay couple in Port Elizabeth, Michael Cronje and Donovan Wynne, went to their local Home Affairs office to get married. Marriages for same-sex couples have been legal is South Africa for 5 years, and it is the responsibility of the Department of Home Affairs to see that these people may get married without hindrance, however the PE office seems not to have taken notice.

The PE Home Affairs office claims that they don’t have an official that is willing to perform same-sex marriages. The official behind the counter told them that “Home Affairs could not help them as it did not ‘do’ gay marriages”. On the couple’s insistence, the woman then called a superior who gave Cronje and Wynne the contact numbers of private marriage officers who would marry them for a fee. The Act allows for anyone - gay or straight - to be married at a Home Affairs office at no charge.
Home Affairs spokesperson Ronnie Mamoepa was scathing in his condemnation and said the matter would definitely be investigated. “It is unconstitutional for a Home Affairs office to refuse to provide someone to preside over the solemnisation of a same-sex union. There is an obligation on them to make a plan.” I am following this up with the DA’s Home Affairs spokesperson to see that this matter is properly investigated and corrected.

Government officials need to realise that they are responsible to see that citizen’s constitutional rights are met, and if they are not willing to conduct their duties they should be relieved of their duties.

More at Daily Dispatch

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