"We, the people of South Africa, Recognise the injustices of our past; Honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land; Respect those who have worked to build and develop our country; and Believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity.” Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Race-based politics is SA's Achilles heel

Last week I sat by hopelessly as ANC councillors took a clearly illegal decision based solely on race. No logic or reasoning was present, despite sincere attempts by some to convince them otherwise. All they saw was colour, and perhaps an opportunity for self enrichment. This led to me think once again about the issue of race based politics in South Africa, remembering the next National Elections is little more than a year away.

Due to our well publicised history the status quo has been to elect according to racial preference, however it is this very same way of deciding who is to take South Africa forward that has been our weakness for the past decade. What we have elected as according to the above mentioned criteria was a gang of hooligans and scavengers that sort to loot the country of its resources while they have the chance and hopefully be able to convince the country to follow the norm in electing leadership. We saw this become clearer since the 2009 National Election when Julius Malema openly canvassed for Jacob Zuma, famous for his flirtation with the corrupt, using race as a major playing card.

If we are to build a unified country we cannot keep forsaking a logical, value-based way of electing public office bearers and taking decisions. We should be asking our politicians “what are you bringing to the table” and not settling for the old rhetoric of “previously disadvantaged, more jobs and houses, economic freedom” etc etc etc...

An incumbent who is elected as according what value he can bring to the country can always be held accountable and to that effect can be removed if not performing as according to the agreed expectations of the nation, write that statement in your conscious and sub conscious mind and let it come forth the next time you cast your ballot. As the saying goes your vote is your voice, and as a voter it is your tool to change the political landscape of our land. Vote for value and not for race.

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